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Plateau Saint-Georges School, Petit-Lancy (GE)

The school is spread over three floors from the ground floor and meets the “High Energy Performance” standards. It has been precisely placed in the northeast corner of the site to ensure the preservation of large trees and a well-oriented courtyard that connects to the surrounding area.

White precast concrete façade – Total homogenization of elements with concrete cosmetic treatment

Prefabricated concrete facades are a popular choice for modern buildings due to their durability and aesthetic appeal. To ensure the longevity of the facade, a hydrophobic Novalla I50 protection has been applied, which helps repel water and prevent damage caused by moisture. In addition, concrete cosmetic repairs were required to homogenize the concrete surface.

An innovative and inclusive school

Project owner
City of Lancy

CLR architectes


Novalla projet centre sportifs Malley

Front side – Novalla I50 hydrophobic protection

Our expertise

  • +1200 m2 concrete protection
  • +200 hours of concrete cosmetic treatment

With its 17 classrooms, gymnasium, and school and extracurricular facilities, the infrastructure covers more than 3,200 m2. Inside the building, we were asked to occasionally address various defects on the concrete walls to provide added value and a neat appearance.

Novalla projet centre sportifs Malley

Interior of the building – Spot touch-up in concrete cosmetic treatment



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